Mother's cry

Monday 22 March 2010

In our ancestors time, they would communicate with eachother by sending messages through a pigeon's beak. Then came the so called "Babu's chitti", or posting of letters written with great tears of joy, and posted with great impatience. Then came the sms'ng on mobiles...and now we step into the computer age, where in greetings cards are sent to your email inbox instead of your postmail. How strangely has time changed...Oui!
Changed??? Or should I say evolved into a new way of communicating a message.

Thats the reason why I believe in Technology being a making of man and blessing of God.......Adios!!!

Friday 19 March 2010


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Mount Mary's Mumbai-my favourite place of devotion

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The Taj Mahal Palace

This is a glimpse of the The Taj Hotel on our last trip to India. The Taj stands tall and proud, aside the Gateway of India. Its shrouded in dark grey cloth at certain places that are still under renovation. This brings back memories of the Mumbai attack on 26 November 2008. The shivers that run down one's spine while standing watching this magnificent architecture and thinking of those terrible gruesome moments that took place here. The whole world was watching that attack and the aftermath on television vide the news channels. To think of the lives that were taken. People who might still have the horror in their minds of that day. But the criminal act couldn't lessen the watchful beauty of this awesome historical Hotel.
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Thursday 18 March 2010


Just about a time and date was fixed for this Life coaching session. Today 18th March 2010, had a really good and exciting 45minutes of chitter-chatter on the goals in life. I never knew that talking to another only about your aspirations and goals in life, gave such an immense feeling, leave alone accomplishing them. So here I am, ready to reach out to the skies and let the birds know how I can fly...Ciao...
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from du

Saturday 13 March 2010


Computers have always been real fantastic man made piece to me. I have always wanted to reconnect myself time and again with things to work at the comp. Its been a long way since I started out working in a new place, independant, working, travelling and taking care of myself. In addition to earning my monthly wages, I would always venture out into the market and have a look at the latest mobiles or would check out the laptops. Soon thereafter, I invested in my first laptop, which was a lovely black Toshiba piece. I can remember myself drooling over those excel sheets or playing that computer game. I created my first personal blog site today and am thrilled to fill it with loads of writings and wish to achieve something good from this. Adios......Catch u later!