Mother's cry

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Plump Parents

Plump Parents

Parents contain a wholesome of vitamins namely advise, determination, caring, loving, beating, scolding, chatting, enthusiasism, self respect, and so on and so forth. I could go on and on about this, but the crux of it is the oodles of joy we have in ourselves being their children is all I'm driving home here. Come what may, whether its our bad marks in school, or a little mischief at home or outdoor, they are always there to support us, in someway or the other. That's why I call them the Plump Parents

We often feel they are too old-fashioned to compete with our gaining knowledge on this IT freaked world. Or to get home late after a party. Or you drive away to glory in a drunk state and keep them on pins. It all boils down to your arrogance about why they can't live to understand your life rather than bugger up with each and every moment.

Have you ever thought it from their side. In what sense would they be looking at your progress in life. Well, all said and done, they surely are looking at a brighter side of the world for you, the only difference being, they are looking at it from their point of view. That's where the line lies. So, happy Parenting to all you lovely parents and happy loving your parents, you youngsters.

Dedicated to my lovely Parents. Dada and Mama, I love you. Thankyou for all that you've gone through for me.

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Daily Hope by Rick Warren

Another amazing read. RW has bought out so well the purpose of our life in keeping up to what is Only meant for us to do, rather than doing WHAT is out of our control. We often complain about TIME, complaining that "we do not have time". Here's your answer / solution folks. Go get it. Hope u enjoy reading it just as I have and most importantly relish the message and in technical terms, install the same into ur lives.
Happy destress days.
Enjoy the link read by Rick Warren;

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Monday, 26 July 2010

Daily Hope by Rick Warren

I think this is an excellent read, especially to people who are trying to make it big in this small world and forgetting the important things that they shouldn't.
I love reading this one, u must find it nice too. Happy reading.

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Monday, 12 July 2010

God's beautiful creation : A woman


It's amazing how God made man, and so beautiful how he made woman! Why did God create Woman from Man's rib, when He could

have simply created her from dust, as He did Man? This is a story that puts a beautiful touch on the reasoning:
"When I created the heavens and the earth, I spoke them into being. When I created man, I formed him from the dust of the Earth and breathed life into hisnostrils. But you, woman, I fashioned after I breathed the breath of life into man because your nostrils are too delicate. I allowed a deep sleep to come over him so I could patiently and perfectly fashion you. Man was put to sleep so that he could not interfere with the creativity. From one bone I fashioned you. I chose the bone that protects man's life. I chose the rib, which protects his heart and lungs and supports him, as you are meant to do." 

"Around this one bone I shaped you. I modeled you. I created you perfectly and beautifully. Your characteristics are as the rib, strong yet delicateand fragile. You provide protection for the most delicate organ in man, his heart. His heart is the center of his being; his lungs hold the breath oflife. The rib cage will allow itself to be broken before it will allow damage to the heart. Support man as the rib cage supports the body." 

"You were not taken from his feet, to be under him, nor were you taken from his head, to be above him. You were taken from his side, to stand beside him and be held close to his side. You are my perfect angel. You are my beautiful little girl. You have grown to be a splendid woman of excellence, and my eyes fill when I see the virtue in your heart. Your eyes: don't change them. Your lips: how lovely when they part in prayer. Your nose so perfect in form, your hands so gentle to touch. I've caressed your face in your deepest sleep; I've held your heart close to mine. Of all that lives and breathes, you are the most like me." 

"Adam walked with me in the cool of the day and yet he was lonely. He could not see me or touch me. He could only feel me. So everything I wanted Adam to share and experience with me, I fashioned in you: my holiness, my strength, my purity, my love, my protection and support. You are special because you are the extension of me." 

"Man represents my image, woman – my emotions. Together, you represent the totality of God. So man:treat woman well. Love her, respect her, for she isfragile. In hurting her, you hurt me. What you do to her, you do to me. In crushing her, you only damage your own heart, the heart of your Father and the heart of her Father. Woman, support man. In humility, show him the power of emotion I have given you. In gentle quietness show your strength. In love, show him that you are the rib that protects his inner self."
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